

So Ruddy Burke suggests making a Blog. Truth is I've been toying with the idea for a while, but anyone who knows me well understands that intentions and actions are seldom aligned in my life. Still check out his blog too, it's spiffy.

Why Hairy Eyeball? Several reasons -
1. A great expression, that a former co-worker of mine was fond of saying at all the right moments. Particulary amusing was the way he would come back down to the shop after dealing with a customer and express his disdain for receiving the "Hairy Eyeball" from them when they questioned his knowledge or honesty.

2. A notion I had a while ago to put a website up scrutinizing everything from the audacious to the sublime. I guess this Blog is now officially a test run.

3. It beats the snot out of naming it after myself.

Stop back for more.

go and tell me all about it
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