


Ok, so I live in the fucking Desert. Not the hip Travel Channel southern Arizona Desert, not even the fabled California Death Valley Desert. No I live in the 4 corners Desert. Where elevations run higher, and temperatures run lower. I have days when I look outside and am amazed with the stark beauty of the landscape. Then ther are the other times.

This place has a lot to offer, if you have an intrinisic interest in native arts and culture, there is also ample opportunity to sample the New Mexican cuisine - "Red or Green?" a reference to the type od chili sauce you want on your dish is asked in most every restaurant in this area, save the fast food chains. Alas, I am not particulary interested in either of these things. I want to see a good play like I used to see on a regular basis. I'd like to have a few dining options that did not assume a love of chili peppers (though I will admidt I do like my food spicy, which is a new development). Imagin if you will, that every restaurant in Pittsburgh served sandwiches with fries and 'slaw on them. Or that the only thing you could get for dinner in Philly was a steak sandwich. You see where an abundance of one thing is a potential downer, I'm sure. Don't get me wrong, I've never been Mr. Variety, but this is the kind of place that demands you get into a rut and sit there. Even I have limits on how repetitive I can be apparently, or maybe it's that the quality of what I am forced to repeatedly consume, both edible and cultural, is just not as good as what I used to have. Hindsight is 20/20

Stupid fucking hindsight.

go and tell me all about it
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