


Sorry for the lack of posts last week, I wasn't out of town or anything, just unable to come up with anything I thought was worth posting. There you have it. Seasonal change is in the air in a major way in this part of New Mexico. Sunny days, followed by crisp cool nights. The temperatures swing close to 40 degrees on any given day, and it is still not a phenomenon I have come to complete grips with. I'm always screwing up the whole layering concept when dressing myself, and find myself the only guy wearing a jacket or sweater on many occasions, ah well, at least I look good, if out of place. I've been finding out more about what home ownership encompasses. Apparently climbing up on your roof is a big part of it. Particularly if you decide to take up chimney maintainence, and winterizing your evaporative cooling unit, for your own entertainment. This is a nice complement to the crawling under the house (crawlspace only, no basement in this abode), that I have done in the past to wire phone jacks, and network my computers. The bonus to ll of this sillyness is a serious feeling of self satisfaction, plus the fireplace rocks now that I can actually use it. I've been waiting for the nightime temps to drop since we moved in in May, and now the season is upon us! I guess I've always been a bit of a closet pyromaniac, and it's a fine thing to have a place to watch the flames that's safe and legal.

go and tell me all about it
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