


I tell you what, I really don't want to hears those chumps at the post office bitch about their budget shortfalls for at least a year. I think I have almost singlehandedly put them into the black with all of the shipping I have been doing over the last few weeks. I always use priority, (because in my mind, getting out of Gallup as quickly as ppossible is exactly that, a priority), and I know that they are enjoying a more pleasant profit margin on that one vs. standard ground delivery. I have spent more on shipping alone this year than I have for gifts in past x-mas buying seasons. In other shopping news, the package that was giving me fits when I tried to track it showed up yesterday, a very pleasant surprise. Only a few more midling items to account for and I'm set. Oh and that one special gift I have to pick up in PIttsburgh. Who is it for? you ask. What can it be? you wonder. Well I'd say if you are going to be at the Jane ST. NYE party you can find out then. Otherwise not till the 6th or 7th of Jan when I post again. All in all I got most of my ducks all in a row, now I just need to find a barrel full of fish to shoot, and I'll be happy as a pig in.... you get the idea.

go and tell me all about it
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