


Or so I like to pretend. You have been coming back to the site, and seeing no tasty morsels, have become so saddend. Not to fear though as I Have returned from weeks of ambling and will now give you the skinny on certain hapenings.

Episode I - The journey eastward. - Actually it was North Eastward, but forgive me the trifles. Week one of my fantastic winter respite tok ANn and I to the Hoosier state, where Ann's family gathered for Christmas festivities. We were spared a drive down to indianapolis due to unexpected snowfall, but still made the rounds to grandmothers, and great aunts in the local vicinity. There was I must tell you, a bit to much talking about people dying and the division of their posessions for my taste, but all in all it was a good week in the heartland of america. Highlights included:

Ming - a Blue Russian looking cat, who was very chatty and very territoral, consideing he was the interloper - Watching to Alpha Male Cats scrap is pretty hairy. Ming is lucky he didn't get his butt whupped.

Getting to enjoy the day after x-mas retail style. I did the bulk of my shopping on-line this year, but wouldn't you know it the DVD/Surround sound system Ann and I got for her folks was D.O.A. - at least ast the audio was concerned. Fortunately the returns went smoothly and without incident. I also was insane enough to go into a mall, where I found myself prefering looking at Flatware Patterns as opposed to decorations. I must be a married homeowner to have gone down this path.

Food! Glorious food! Chicago style deep dish pizza, barbeque steak, good hamburgers, Tasty Italian - all the things I don't get n a regular basis in Gallup.

Hanging out with Jan and Rose, Ann's Great-Aunts. If I can bee this hip and down-to-earth, and generally as pleasant as these two ladies when I get to be their age, I will consider my life a successful one.

Episode II - Still more eastwardly.... On to PIttsburgh, for a belated x-mas with my sister and parents. The folks came out from Vegas a few days before we got into town, and we all crashed at My Sister's place. 6 adults and 3 children + 2 dogs makes for family fun. The dogs are great footwarmers come bedtime though.

Saturday upon arrival, Ann and I were beckoned to Dee's Cafe which I am officially over. It finally dawned on me that it is too crowded, too noisy, and most importantly I can't smoke there. Why do I need to be there? Well there was good reason. Got to see Mike M, and Danielle D, Burke, Matty P, and a whole bunch of others. This was the only time I got to see some of them, so my thanks to Danielle for being very persuasive, and designated driver.

Sunday was mostly family time, Steelers style, and much fun was had as well as much concern over the Steelers play - but a win is a win.

Monday, Some serious cooking courtesy of Dan B. - Alfredo and roast beef tenderloin. The man is an artist with food.

Tuesday - NYE - The Jane St. spectacular. We must be all getting older, or more sober, cause nobody went for the midnight run this year. Kinda fitting though, as Mike, who in my mind was the originator, was not present to witness the festivities. Much hanging fun with all the cool kids. Josh, Jim, Matty D, Ro, Joe - hell the whole damn crew and then some! There was one young lady there who just seemed to rub me the wrong way but I found ignoring her did a lot to lessen that feeling. Also broke out some good champagne - Mum's of France, and oh yeah it is worth the price of admission. Usually we drink Mum's of California, but the State Store was only stocking the french - so I had no choice ;-) Special shout out to Ro for letting us crash at her place - very comfy pillows.

From there we kept it simple, a little shopping, a little hanging, and some serious bracing for the return west. The new Anti Bomb regulations at the airports are a major pain in the neck, but overall there were no major problems. But seriously if you have to ask me if I feel safer? Not in the least. I would like to remind all of you that 9/11 did not involv anyone planting a bomb. So why the massive investment in bomb screening tech is a bit beyond me. I feel very uneasy trying to rationalize why our government feels it so necessary to remove more and more of our rights, all the while saying that they are protecting my way of lilfe. My way of life did not involve being constantly treated like a suspect.

Overall, the break was a good one, too short in places, too long in others - but so it goes. Foe those I only saw briefly, I am glad that I got to see you at all. Hope that some of you make it out my way in the future.

Oh yeah almost forgot - The Two Towers was good, considering it was all middle.

go and tell me all about it
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