


Well in a week or two I will know what the status of a certain Dept. of Education grant is for 2003. Thing is, This grant pays the bulk of my salary right now, so I am more than a little concerned about what happens to my job should the grant funding go into the tank a year earlier than anticipated. Seems that G.W.B, our pres. Is all about the state block grants. His man in the Dept. Of Ed. seems to be on board, so It all amounts to the appropriations people to decide which road to take and when.

It seems also that G.W.B. wants to purgre the Public Health Sevice (of which my wife is an employee of) or all active duty commisioned officers (of which my wife is in the middle stages of becoming), so if things go absolutely as badly as they possibly can, I think I will go quite mad. OK I won't go mad, but it will certainly take any luster (and in my view there aint a whole lot of it to begin with) out of Gallup. Again, this is worst case. Many many things have to go wrong for it to be that bad. Kind of like that old film of the bridge that self destructs because of the frequency of the vibrations that a blowing wind created across it's structure. It's unlikely, but possible.

go and tell me all about it
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