


Sorry for the long pause in my ramblings oh faithful reader(s?), but alas April has brought showers of a different sort, a flurry of activity revolving around taxes, annual reports, family visitations, and other things that are directly related to me not writing anything of any import here. Let's go for the big round-up type of post here, just so you know where I am ok? Swell.

War - Yeah, so it's wrapping up time for shock and awe, but a whole bunch of logistical nightmares to be dealt with. Hopefully Bush & Co. can get things rolling on a pretty steady timetable, and have some actuall Iraquis calling the shots on the quick. I'm fantasizing of course, I'm quite sure all will be bogged down, and the geopolitical backbiting over who gets to rebuild what will be in full effect in no time soon. Also, the fact that the flag that supposudly flew over the Pentagon on 9/11 should show up in Iraq for a photo-op is more than a little distressing. Does nobody recall that there were no Iraqis on the planes that hit the towers and pentagon, and went down in Western PA? 15 WERE Saudi Arabians though, and they're working with us on this little project. Americans are as a group some of the most ignorant ranting jingoistic putzes around.

Michael Moore - Is not my poster boy. I think he is an oportunistic hypocrite, his major works are riddled with many of the same logical and continuity ewrrors that drive me mad regardless of the source. I also have an issue with a guy who claims to be for the little guy, but still tries to keep his own writers from joining a union. I think his rant at the Oscars was little more than PR ultimately. I have this fantasy about a paparazzi catching him and Bill O'reily in a lover's embrace, but let's not go there. I think they are two sides of the same coin really. Extremist pigs, making a buck off of yelling louder than anyone else, and eschewing debate for browbeating. Sure each has made valid points in the past, but how does the saying go about throwing shit at a wall? Eventually some of it will stick.

Taxes - As inevitable as my future occupation as worm-food. A majority of Americans apparently believe that keeping the deficit down or eliminated is important. Apparently however, that majority is not to be found on capitol hill

Man, I'm sick so much right now, and no idea how to shake the sense that it's all going to get worse before it gets better. I quote Steve Martin: "If it weren't for my Lucky Astrology Mood Watch, I wouldn't beleive in anything."

go and tell me all about it
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