


Nice to Know that i am not the only one around facing up to potential work related blunders. Dave was all a tizzy yesterday due to the double whammy of a performance review, and getting to deal with a client on the matter of a mucked up job. Both apparently went well, though I suspect he'd tell me that the raise was nothing too impressive. I'm in line for a raise in the next fiscal year, but as I work for a State University, it's a pretty insignifigant sum. Still, I'll take it thanks very much. I think the reason that we both probably survived our bumps in the road of professional responsibility is because we didn't try and shuffle off, pretend that the problem didn't exist and that sort of thing. I don't know the specifics of Dave's little drama, but in my case I acknowledged the problem, tried to remedy it in the best possible way, and when that feel through, made a commitment to working it out to the best of all interested parties. Maybe it's just karma paying me back or something, but I try and not be a flying ass at work, and maybe in the long run that buys you a little breathing room...

Getting ready to jet off to Indiana (OK technically we will jet to Chicago, and then drive over the border, but you get the picture) Usually any excuse to get out of Gallup is treasured, and I will enjoy the trip, no doubt, but there is a part of me that would almost be content lounging around the house for 3 days, and watching way too much foodtv.

have a fun weekend y'all

go and tell me all about it
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