


I am not someone to throw a lot of pity around. Mainly because I like to believe that most people are ultimately responsible for their actions, and thus responsible for the consequences of their actions. There are of course exceptions, and This, could almost be one.

Now anyone who knows me, comes to realize that there are a host of reasons that I dislike the current President and his administration. Not the least of which is that it appears he is willing to use deception to put forth his agenda. I am not going to blushingly tell you I think he is the first leader to do this. I am certain that both of our mahjor parties have done a phenomenal job of cultivating the talent of fudging the facts, or as I like to call it - Bald Faced Lying.

However, I can't recall a president in my short lifespan that has so regularly been accused of not being the guy ultimately calling the shots in his administration. Considering the wealth of experience in public offices that his administration has, one would think that they could keep the Whitehouse functioning as a well oiled machine. Instead they have been coming off more like gossiping sorority girls, with innuendo, backstabbing and whispering of secrets. Regardless of how you feel about this administrations policies, it's sad to see our nation's highest office plauged by an inability to tow the line. Ultimately the leaks about the President demanding that there be an end to the leaks demonstrates just how fragmented things seem to be getting on Pennsylvania Ave.

Of course, there's also a part of me smugly thinking that G.W. is getting his comeuppance.

go and tell me all about it
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