The 60's had Lenny Bruce.
The 70's had Richard Pryor.
The 80's had Bill Hicks.
That you never heard of him, or heard his material is not surprising. I certainly never was concious of seeing his material when he was alive and kicking. Of course in an age when MTV was beating us over the head with a never ending supply of Carrot Tops, and Richard Jenni wannabe's, it would have been quite easy to miss someone with less commercial potential, and better material.
Hicks was a true genius. The kind of comedian who can offend and amuse simultaneously, and not simply for pure shock value but rather to get us uncomfortable about our own beliefs, our own existence. The superlatives are never ending, and I think justly earned.
If you have any interest in stand up comedy, social satire, or great thinkers, you owe it to yourself to check out this:
3 Concerts and a documentary. Just put my order in. Psyched doesn't begin to explain it.
Oh and if you notice the endorsement from former funny guy turned GOP towel boy, Dennis Miller - don't sweat it. The quote is from a number of years ago, before MIller completely went batshit on us.
Bill Hicks - Another Dead Hero.
go and tell me all about it
The 70's had Richard Pryor.
The 80's had Bill Hicks.
That you never heard of him, or heard his material is not surprising. I certainly never was concious of seeing his material when he was alive and kicking. Of course in an age when MTV was beating us over the head with a never ending supply of Carrot Tops, and Richard Jenni wannabe's, it would have been quite easy to miss someone with less commercial potential, and better material.
Hicks was a true genius. The kind of comedian who can offend and amuse simultaneously, and not simply for pure shock value but rather to get us uncomfortable about our own beliefs, our own existence. The superlatives are never ending, and I think justly earned.
If you have any interest in stand up comedy, social satire, or great thinkers, you owe it to yourself to check out this:

3 Concerts and a documentary. Just put my order in. Psyched doesn't begin to explain it.
Oh and if you notice the endorsement from former funny guy turned GOP towel boy, Dennis Miller - don't sweat it. The quote is from a number of years ago, before MIller completely went batshit on us.
Bill Hicks - Another Dead Hero.
go and tell me all about it
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