


I have not had a very clear idea with which to start a post in quite some time. However, since it has been longer than I would like, I shall take the shitty local paper type route and just throw a bulleted list of stuff at you and hope that it makes you feel better for having read it.

- The notion that our federal government may need to step into the fray that is "Steroid Use in Baseball" is perhaps the second saddest thing I have ever heard. The saddest being the peopl who hear the suggestion and say, "Damn Right". It never fails to amaze me how otherwise rational people can care so much for this dying sport. Fuck it. Let 'em take whatever the fuck they want. The fans will cream their panties when they see their first 100 home run season.

- When People talk about the sanctity of amatuer athletics, are they speaking in the past tense? I can recall stories of guys on the cross country team of my highschool dabbling in amphetamines. There were accusations (both public and private) of rapes perpetrated by members of my college basketball and baseball teams. Let's not even talk about the shit that alumni can pull to screw things up further. So I guess aside from my nieces' soccer matches (they are all under 10 years of age) , I'm more than a little dubious of the purity of competitive sport in this country or any other for that matter.

- When the President says that our troops "Deserve the best equipment", do people realize that he is not saying they will receive it? When the Sec. of Defense says that armored Humvee production is at 450/month, but the manufacturer says they are capable of running at 550/month, do people wonder why that is? When that same S.O.D. (make your own bad metal joke here), says "You have to go to war with the army you have.", does nobody point out that we pulled the trigger on this one, not the Iraqis? I'm just saying, maybe we should have waited until we put together the Army that we need.

- Does anybody really believe anything they watch/read via mainstream news aside from the sports report? Does it surprise anyone that the highest levels of journalistic integrity is held by a show called "Sportscenter"? And that is not saying that theirs is particularly good. As the internet as information delivery tool is in its infancy, there will be moves by those in power to start to control, or stunt it's reach. My advice, start studying up on encryption now, before it's too late and all we have left is corporate fluff disguised as "edgy" commentary.

-Does anybody believe anything at all? I'm finding that as I grow older, I become more enamoured of the idea that there is in fact no Truth. Not relative, not absolute, not any. I'm pretty sure this whole ride is purely subjective with conciousness the ultimate filter, and to realize that, is to perhaps begin breaking free of our particular cultural cycle. Hmmmm - that even looks like a load of bullshit - gonna have to work on fleshing that out.

go and tell me all about it
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